martial arts
Practicing: a means to improve society
"When all the people in the world
practice Aikido, it will cease to exist."
Ōsensei Ueshiba Morihei
A very profound sentence that could be applies to every martial art practiced with determination, kindness and humility.
The revolution on the idea of conflict between the parties in an ability to feel the other, such as to make the concept of conflict superfluous.
A utopia or a possibility? It does not matter. It is worth committing all the time necessary to make it come true, with the certainty that it will be well spent.
I have been passionately practicing martial arts since September 2002, when I began to devote myself to the study of Vietnamese Kung Fu (Vovinam Việt Võ Ðạo).
In February 2009, I started practicing Aikido at the Fenix Beauty & Gym under the guidance of M° Zarif Dei, who introduced me to the study of the Aikido style he created, called Evolution.
With increasing curiosity and the growing desire to expand my technical background, in May 2010 I began to study Self Defense with the Krav Maga method. I also gained extensive experience in the field of self-defense in all its many aspects, both psychological,
From 2010 to 2012 I participated in national competitions and world championships of the I.A.K.S.A., of the FE.S.A.M. and the W.K.U. with two gold medals and three silver medals in the Self Defense categories.
In May 2013 I had the great honor of participating in the first internship in Italy W.K.U. of the Karate world champion M° Alexandre Biamonti at the sports hall of Igea Marina (RN).
Having reached the degree of black belt in the three disciplines that I still practice, in 2014 on the proposal and support of Maestro Zarif I began to gain experience in teaching these disciplines, periodically replacing him in his dojo.
In December 2016, I took and passed the Aikido Evolution and Krav Maga Instructor exam before a commission of WKU technicians and Masters.
In December 2022 I passed the Master of Aikido Evolution exam in front of a commission of MSP / CONI technicians and Masters, becoming the first to receive this qualification worldwide after M ° Zarif Dei (Evolution founder, Aikido style).